Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Salon Day!

Nothing makes me feel better than going to the salon and getting my foils done. I feel confident and pretty and younger, too. My stylist is my friend Carrie Sessions and she really does a wonderful job. She takes her time, discusses different scenarios with me about my color and cut, and she really takes pride in her work. I admire that so much. And even when she is finished with me she just can't help but primp me all the way out the door, telling me to go home and "wear it" for a few days and give her a call about what she can do to make it better. And she's like that with everyone, not just her friends. I've seen her with other clients and she is exactly the same, caring about ervery head she lets walk out of her door. Thanks Carrie, I'm so glad you're my friend and my stylist!

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