Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No More Land Line

The big news for me this week is that I finally cut off my land line telephone. I did this because no one ever calls us on it, except maybe 3 or 4 people-my mother, Darrin's mother, my neighbor, and the random telemarketers that are NOT supposed to be allowed to call me. It was a big decision for us, we have been flirting with the idea for over a year now, but it just seemed so final. When I finally got up the courage to do it, it felt very freeing. Now I have my cell phone by my side or in my pocket constantly and there is a feeling of completeness somehow, knowing I will never really miss another call from someone that is trying to get in touch with me. So to all my friends and family, if you are trying to reach me, don't be alarmed, call my cell. It can be a scary thing when someone tries to call you and they hear the recording that the phone has been disconnected. All is well!

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