Friday, May 30, 2008


We had a great Friday! I slept in with Victoria, then we ran errands with Darrin before he had to go into work. He had a closing today that went smoothly--finally. Lilly had another great day at school--she really enjoys being at St. Andrew and loves all her new friends so much. After school we hit the pool with our dear friends, Amy and her 10 year old son Vincent. I love days like this! Many more to come.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Indiana Jones Engaged!

The British media has reported that Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart are engaged!
Ford reportedly popped the question on April Fool's Day.
The two are supposedly looking to wed as soon as Harrison's promotional work on Indiana Jones 4 is complete.

Acknowledged Asexual Aiken to Be a Dad?

File this under things you probably never wanted to know about Clay Aiken.
According to, the "American Idol" alum artificially impregnated record producer Jaymes Foster, and she's due in August. Foster, 50, is Aiken's close friend -- she produced several of his albums and hosts him at her home when he visits Los Angeles.'s calls and e-mails to Aiken's reps were not immediately returned.
This would be the first child for Aiken, 29. If he indeed opted for artificial insemination over the old fashioned way of getting a gal pregnant, it wouldn't be a surprise. In an interview with New York Magazine earlier this year, Aiken said he had no interest in the opposite sex, or in any sex at all.
"I have got too much on my plate," Aiken told the magazine, regarding his lack of a relationship. "I'd rather focus on one thing and do that when I can devote time to it, and right now, I just don't have any desire."
Asked whether he ever has sexual "urges" or "needs," Aiken responded, "I mean, not really. I've just kind of shut it off, maybe. Is that bad?"
Apparently not -- especially if he can turn "it" back on for a friend in need.
Sheila Marikar

Here's One for the Masses!

My Mom sent me this link to a Potato Chip Taste Test, and if you like potato chips like I like potato chips, you will want to look this over.

A Great Family Photo!

My mother, Evelyn, Tegan in the back, and Colleen on the right.

Here is a really nice family photo of my Mother, Evelyn and two of my sisters, the eldest, Colleen and third born, Tegan. They took Mom to lunch for Mother's Day/Birthday. A wonderful time was had by all. I only wish I could have been there with them.

R.I.P. Harvey Korman

Harvey Korman, the tall, versatile comedian who won four Emmys for his outrageously funny contributions to "The Carol Burnett Show" and played a conniving politician to hilarious effect in "Blazing Saddles," died Thursday. He was 81.
Korman died at UCLA Medical Center after suffering complications from the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm four months ago, his family said. He had undergone several major operations.
"He was a brilliant comedian and a brilliant father," daughter Kate Korman said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "He had a very good sense of humor in real life. "
A natural second banana, Korman gained attention on "The Danny Kaye Show," appearing in skits with the star. He joined the show in its second season in 1964 and continued until it was canceled in 1967. That same year he became a cast member in the first season of "The Carol Burnett Show."

Click the link below to read the rest of the story.

World's Largest Pool

If you like doing laps in the swimming pool, you might want to stock up on the energy drinks before diving in to this one. It is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, had a 115 ft. deep end and holds 66 million gallons of water. The Guinness Book of Records named the vast pool beside the sea in Chile as the biggest in the world. But if you fancy splashing out on one of your own - and you have the space to accommodate it - then beware: This one took five years to build, cost nearly 1 billion dollars, and the annual maintenance bill will be 2 million. The man-made saltwater lagoon has been attracting huge crowds to the San Alfonso del Mar resort at Algarrobo, on Chile's southern coast, since it opened last month. Its turquoise waters are so crystal clear that you can see the bottom even in the deep end.
Chilean biochemist Fernando Fischmann, whose Crystal Lagoons Corporation designed the pool, said advanced engineering meant his company could build 'an impressive artificial paradise' even in inhospitable areas.'As long as we have access to unlimited seawater, we can make it work, and it causes no damage to the ocean.'
Thank you to Nichole Gates for emailing this to me.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baby Flamingo Meets Mom

Another Former Bush Aid Sees the Light

I had a feeling about that Scott McLellan. He sometimes had that look in his eyes that he was peddling horse manure and knew it, but could sell it anyway because he was that good. Iraq was a "grave mistake" and why has our President not at least conceded it was bad judgement, on his part, at the very least. I saw a poll last week that said he was even less popular than President Nixon, can you believe that? I can! Anyway, kudos to you Scott! And let him open the flood gates so the Republican party can begin to re-build its tarnished reputation and try to regain some of its credibility.

New Glasses

I have been toying with the idea of getting Transitions Lenses in a new pair of glasses so I don't have to exclusively rely on my contact lenses. Well, today was the day and so far I am happy with them. I got a new pair of black frames that transition to dark black lenses in the sunlight, and although I am not exactly fond of wearing black frames with my fair hair, I thought I would look good by the pool with them on. Everyone says they look pretty good so far, not sure if I should believe them. Especially Darrin. I mean that's like asking him if something I am wearing makes me look fat. Is he going to tell me the truth (that's just suicidal) or will he tell me what I want to hear? You be the judge.

Team Photos 2008

Victoria is on the far left, back row.
Lilly is on the far right, front row.

Here are the girls' gymnastic team photos for 2008. I am so proud of them both and they both worked so hard. Lilly was training 4 hours a week and Victoria 3. They want Victoria to continue at 3 hours a week because she is the youngest on the team, at 4 1/2, but the coaches would like Lilly to start training 13 hours a week in the Summer and then cut back to 12 hours per week when school begins. She would enter Level 4, which is the competitive team, and travel across the region for competitions. Darrin is having a hard time with this concept, he feels 12-13 hours a week is a bit much for a 7 year old. I tend to agree, but then again you hate to hold back your child if she shows a talent for something. Darrin feels private lessons with her coaches is the way to go until she is older and more able to make the time commitment for competition. He wants to spend more time at home with her. Lilly tends to agree with her Dad, but I have a feeling after a few weeks off the team, she will begin begging to go back. I guess this is to be determined at a later date.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2008 Girl Scout Camporee

Brownie Troop 591 after the hula lesson. Lilly and Victoria are front row, center.

The troop around the campfire.

The girls had the best time climbing all the beautiful trees around Huntington Beach. I snapped this photo of Lilly during one of her climbs.

Brownie Troop 591 went camping at Huntington Beach State Park and we had the best time! The girls all loved it and it was the first time camping for many of us. We built a campfire and roasted hot dogs and made s'mores. The theme this year was Hawaii and the girls learned all about Hawaii and the Island culture. We had an authentic Hawaiian fire show and Hula dancing. We all dressed in luau wear and watched the show in utter amazement. What a great couple of days we had! The girls learn so much about sisterhood and other important life skills. Thanks to Lori Lowrie, our fearless troop leader, and Carrie Sessions for the great accommodations (she had a totally decked-out tent and all kinds of camping equipment that made our lives in the forest so much easier. And Jackie Davis for being such a great tent-mate!

Salon Day!

Nothing makes me feel better than going to the salon and getting my foils done. I feel confident and pretty and younger, too. My stylist is my friend Carrie Sessions and she really does a wonderful job. She takes her time, discusses different scenarios with me about my color and cut, and she really takes pride in her work. I admire that so much. And even when she is finished with me she just can't help but primp me all the way out the door, telling me to go home and "wear it" for a few days and give her a call about what she can do to make it better. And she's like that with everyone, not just her friends. I've seen her with other clients and she is exactly the same, caring about ervery head she lets walk out of her door. Thanks Carrie, I'm so glad you're my friend and my stylist!

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No More Land Line

The big news for me this week is that I finally cut off my land line telephone. I did this because no one ever calls us on it, except maybe 3 or 4 people-my mother, Darrin's mother, my neighbor, and the random telemarketers that are NOT supposed to be allowed to call me. It was a big decision for us, we have been flirting with the idea for over a year now, but it just seemed so final. When I finally got up the courage to do it, it felt very freeing. Now I have my cell phone by my side or in my pocket constantly and there is a feeling of completeness somehow, knowing I will never really miss another call from someone that is trying to get in touch with me. So to all my friends and family, if you are trying to reach me, don't be alarmed, call my cell. It can be a scary thing when someone tries to call you and they hear the recording that the phone has been disconnected. All is well!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Today Darrin was off and we had a nice relaxing day at home. The girls had some friends over and they played and played all day long. It was a little taste of Summer, and I can't wait until school is out!

I started to think this evening about what Memorial Day actually means. My father was a WWII vet and he took me to Arlington National Cemetery, to the Eternal Flame, to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. I guess he wanted me to understand and recognize that Memorial Day should have special meaning. He was subtle about it though. I didn't even realize he was teaching me until now, 6 years after his death. I am going to pass this on to my children and take advantage of all the "teaching moments" that life presents to us ever single day. Thanks Dad for this--and for serving our country.