Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ocean City

Here are the girls in front of the sand scultptures on the boardwalk.

Lilly and Victoria are in the stockades at The Revere House

Happy to be in O.C.! We all love coming back to the best beach in the world!
Myrtle Beach just can't compare.

Here's little Victoria on the tiny ferris wheel inside Trimper's. Lilly was actually told she was too big to get on the ride with her sister. She was kinda upset by that, but then it occurred to her that it just meant she was getting to be a "big girl" and then she was ok.

The bumper cars were fun, once they learned how to steer the darn cars.
Then the ride was over!


Here they are in front of that funky little museum on boardwalk and 2nd St.

Here's Darrin with the girls playing on the swings behind him.

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