Monday, June 23, 2008


Victoria got her Ears pierced yesterday! She has been wanting to ever since Lilly got hers pierced last year. Her Friend Mia got hers done for her 7th birthday the other day and that got her talking about it again. She didn't even flinch!


While Mom, Angie and Tim were visiting this past week, we managed to get some live crabs and cook 'em up in a pot! Oh joy! I had the best time eating them and drinking a cold beer. That's the life.

St. Andrew Vacation Bible School 2008

Victoria is hanging out during recess!
Lilly eats her snack.

Our friend Vincent loves to mug for the camera!

Everyone sings and dances and has a great time.
We had a great time at VBS. I volunteered to be a teacher this year and I must say it was a lot of fun. I was a bit nervous, but everyone is so nice and the children are all so amazing. We are really lucky and blessed to be members of the St. Andrew community.

Wild Water & Wheels

June 21st was Girl Scout Day at Wild Water and Wheels, a water park in Myrtle Beach. The girls had a great day of fun in the sun with their friends. Pictured above from left to right is Victoria, Sarah, and Lilly.

Sleeping Beauties!

The girls decided to take naps during the ride home. Such Angels!

Forest Fire in North Carolina

On the way home from Mom's house June 10Th we began driving into some dense smoke. It was burning our noses and lungs. We turned on the radio and found out that a forest fire was in the vicinity. It was only 40% contained at the time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eating Their Homemade Pasta!

The girls had a grand time eating their homemade pasta. Mumsey remarked that the texture of homemade pasta is a little different than boxed pasta, and Lilly said, "Yeah, that texture is delicious!!!".

Mumsey and the Girls Make Pasta

Movie Night

Lilly, Zachary and Victoria

Mom recorded "The Little Rascals" for the kids to watch last night, and I snapped these pictures of them because they looked so cute!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

Lilly, Zack and Victoria
Victoria is too short to push the pedals so Lilly is helping her out.

Lilly is taking her turn.
This afternoon, my friend Adele and I took our kids to Check E. Cheese for some pizza and play time. This has become a tradition with Adele and me whenever I come to town for a visit.

Sprinkler Fun

Here is Victoria and friend Zach collecting leaves for some odd reason.
Lilly posing for the camera. Sometimes her shyness melts away!

The kids ran through the sprinkler today. The pool here doesn't open until noon, and since it was so very, very hot they needed to cool off.


Here are the girls eating breakfast. Its too early for Victoria, she usually sleeps in.

OK, I am putting up all these mundane pictures of the girls because we are here in Delmar, MD, about 460 miles away from their Dad in Myrtle Beach, and I promised him I would put up lots of pictures of the girls while we are away from him.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

We've Arrived!

Lilly is also warn out and is laying on the floor in front of the TV, watching a movie, but ready to fall asleep at any moment!
Victoria is so sleepy. Mumsey took her to bed and is telling her a story.

We made it to Maryland around 7:30pm, which made our trip about 8 1/2 hours. We really made good time. The kids are exhausted, as am I. We are headed to bed, we have a busy few days ahead of us.

This is Pretty Weird!

OK, so I am driving on Rt. 17, just South of Wilmington, NC when this convertible passes me with a huge "Snoopy" in the passenger seat. I thought she was coming home with a gift, or something like that, but then as she passes me, as you can see, her license plate says "Snoopee". So I guess this is like a regular thing with this woman, she drives around with a huge Snoopy in her car with her. Whatever. Anyway, after we passed each other several times, I finally decided to snap this pic because I didn't think anyone would believe me! If you double click on the photo, you can see it in more detail.

Johhny Rocket with Nana & Pap

Victoria decided to eat outside with Pappy because her milkshake made her cold and outside it was 90 degrees!

Victoria's favorite part is getting up and dancing with the servers!

The girls love to play songs on the juke box.

Yesterday we met Nana & Pappy for dinner at Johnny Rockets. They always like to visit with the girls before we leave town, and of course we are heading to Maryland to pick up my Mom to spend the month of June with us in Myrtle Beach.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nick at Night

Here is the whole "Hot Pink Team" before the competitions got started.
My good friends Amy and Wade and their son, Vincent. Amy and Wade are volunteer coaches. This is how they finished up the evening, the fire department sprayed the children down with water! This is Victoria competing in the "Water Bucket Relay". Above is Victoria and Emma enjoying the game. This is the game where they put marshmallows with chocolate sauce into their mouths and the team who gets the most marshmallows wins. Here is Kenzie and Lilly.

Victoria with her friend Emma. They were on the Gymnastics Team together, but Emma has been promoted to the next team level. Go Emma!!!

Lilly and Victoria

Tonight we had a fantastic time at the Carolina Forest Community Church's Nick at Night. It was so HOT though. Thank goodness the theme for the evening was WATER. The girls wore bathing suits under their team T-shirts. Most of their friends were there too.

Prince Henry

Here is a picture of my friends Denise's son, Henry. He is 12 weeks old today and apparently he can get pretty darn ill-tempered. But he is always a gentleman around me. I call him my "boyfriend", he is my dear Prince Henry. I look forward to seeing him at gymnastics every Monday and Wednesday. Denise's daughter is moving up to the purple team though, and I won't be seeing him on a regular basis anymore. We have all promised to get together over the Summer.

Victoria's Last Gmnastics Practice

Victoria is hiding behind the girl in the purple leotard.
Gymnastics practices start up again June 16th, so the kids get a week off!

A Visit to Ocean Bay

This is Lilly's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Fungaroli
Mrs. Nuzum, Lilly and Victoria.

Lilly loves Mrs. Nuzum, and it was very difficult for her to leave her to go to St. Andrew.

Lilly and Mia

Lanie, Mia and Lilly

Since Lilly had a half day, and her old school Ocean Bay Elementary, had a full day, we stopped over there on the way home so Lilly could visit with her old teacher and all he friends. We had a lot of fun and everyone was so happy to see Lilly, you'd have thought she was Paris Hilton walking in the door or something!

Lilly's Last Day of School

Lilly's friends are signing her yearbook.
From left to right, Sophie, Lilly, Caroline C. and Caroline B.

Well, Summer started for us today!!! It was Lilly's last day of school and I am so glad we can sleep in tomorrow.

We start again August 20th.