Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crazy Clouds!

These amazing clouds flew by on Saturday. There were sever thundersortm warnings, but it just blew right over us!

Lilly is a Great Photographer, and Victoria is Her Muse

Monday, June 6, 2011

We went mini-golfing Thursday, June 2nd after our day at the beach. Mr. Green won of course! Then we went for an ice cream cone before calling it a day.

Lilly and Victoria are starting Drama Camp today! They are very excited as they are both serious drama queens and enjoy being the center of attention!

Our GREAT day at the beach! The temperature was about 95 degrees adn the water temp was 78 degrees. It was a beautiful day!

Happy June!

Going into our second week of no school. We have been keeping very busy! Between surfing and boogie boarding at the beach, to lazing around by the pool, not to mention mini-golf, Memorial Day party, and great ummer dinners. The Greens have definitely made the mSost of the 1st week of Summer!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lazy Sunday Morning!

We saw the most amazing tigers at Barefoot Landing. There is a tiger refuge here in Myrtle Beach, and to raise money they put tigers on display there all summer long. You can have your picture taken with the cubs, and they answer questions, etc. Lilly started playing with one of the cubs through the glass and he was responding to her like a kitty cat! So cute.

We had such a fabulous day yesterday! Darrin was off so we all had a lazy morning at home. We went to the mall to shop and then took Victoria to her friend's birthday party at Gym Inc. After that we had a nice dinner at Barefoot Landing with Darrin's Mom. We walked around after dinner and looked at all the great new shops. The restaurant had The Preakness on TV so luckily I got to see it. Then, just outside the restaurant there were these beautiful Black-eyed Susans! I thought it was such a coincidence!

Friday, May 20, 2011

One rose has survived from the bouquet I received for Mother's Day.


May Crowning 2011. After Wednedsay morning mass, the 2nd graders that received their 1st Holy Communion join in the crowning of Mary along with the outgoing 8th graders. A May Queen is chosen among the 8th graders and they have a beautiful procession to crown Mary, Jesus' Mother. This photo was taken after. We are so blessed to be apart of St. Andrew Parish.

Victoria's 1st Holy Communion was such a special day. And after, we had quite a gathering at Nana and Pap's house because we were celebrating Victoria's 1st Holy Communion, my Mom's birthday, and Mother's Day! A great time was had by all!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Funeral Mass for Monsignor Roth

This morning at 11am was Monsignor Roth's funeral mass. It was a very solemn occasion. There were over 40 priests in attendance, as well as Bishop Guglielmone of the Diocese of Charleston, who officiated the mass, and Bishop Thomas. The Knights of Columbus were there and members of the South Carolina Fire Departments. All were dressed in full regalia, and there was even an Honor Guard and bagpipes. Monsignor would have been pleased. May he rest in God's peace. Amen

It's Been Awhile...

I have really neglected my blog in the lastyear or so. I am going to do my best to keep it updated.